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IOI CPD Webinar: Breaking the Stalemate: The Role of Ocean Literacy in Catalysing Progress on SDG 14 and Beyond
Join us for the 4th instalment in this series as we delve into the pivotal role of Ocean Literacy in fostering the advancement of the SDGs, especially SDG 14 and the underlying theme of Ocean protection and conservation. This Seminar shall underscore the transformative power of Ocean Literacy in creating a global community that not only comprehends but cherishes the Ocean and appreciates its critical role as supporter of life on the planet. By nurturing a deeper understanding and respect for our Ocean, humankind can collectively chart a course towards a sustainable future where human activities are in harmony with the intricate web of the Ocean's ecosystems, ensuring their vitality for generations to come.
Register here.
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WEBINAR: Strategic Environmental Assessments and Planning Tools for Sustainable Oceans Planning
Many countries are developing area-management plans, or integrated sustainable ocean development plans, sometimes called ‘blue economy plans’. Webinar 3 focuses on environmental assessment and planning tools and will discuss how these instruments contribute towards multi-sectoral, inclusive approaches to sustainable ocean governance and management. The webinar will highlight the use of Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) and planning tools such as Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and itsapplications for offshore energy. Country level experiences will be shared to draw lessons on challenges and opportunities.Register Now and hear from industry experts, spatial planners and our Government partners! Participants who attend the live webinar session and complete the assessment survey will receive a UNEP Certificate of Participation!
Register here:
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Date: 2024-04-15 09:00 to 2024-04-19 18:00
Location: Uljin, Republic of Korea
The forum aims to bring together young leaders across the East Asian Seas region to have a deeper understanding of the marine environment, and impacts of climate change, share learning experiences in marine conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources, and explore ocean and climate innovation with the youth at the forefront of these solutions.
Read more:
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Call for applications: L&O Letters Early Career Publication Honor
We invite applications for the 2024 Limnology & Oceanography Letters Early Career Publication Honor that pays the publication cost of open-access articles authored by Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in need. The Honor was conceived and is managed by ASLO’s Raelyn Cole Editorial (RCE) Fellows to support publication of innovative research in the aquatic sciences by ECRs who have no funding or prospects for securing funding to pay the cost of open-access publication. Applications are due July 31, 2024 by 12:00 AM midnight Eastern Time. Honorees will be contacted in early September 2024.
More information: Raelyn Cole Editorial Fellowship - ASLO
Email: rcef.aslo@gmail.com
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IOI CPD Webinar: Navigating the Geopolitical Divide: The Strategic and Environmental Implications of Deep Seabed Mining
🗓 Thursday, 26th September at 15:00 CEST
Register here
With the rapid global shift toward green energy, deep seabed mining has become a hot topic of discussion, bringing together the interests of nations, international regulations, and environmental sustainability. 🌱⚖️
🌐 Join us as experts explore the evolving geopolitical dynamics of this issue, addressing the risks, opportunities, and the future of Deep Seabed Mining.
🔗 Don’t miss out! Register here
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Is it time for an "IPCC for the Ocean"?
The ocean science community has, so far, not been sufficiently well organized to provide coherent policy input on a global scale. The Intergovernmental panels on climate (IPCC) and biodiversity (IPBES) have, however, demonstrated that it is possible to find consensus and provide a solid scientific foundation for governance of global sustainability issues.
Read More
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Opportunity through SEA-EU for the IOI Alumni Network
Join the SEA-EU Building Bridges initiative for global cooperation and shared values! This task aims to strengthen partnerships between Europe and countries like Latin America, Africa, South Asia, Oceania, as well as within the Bologna Process and the UK. Together, we promote open science, international collaboration, and sustainable development aligned with the UN2030 Agenda and SDGs. Exciting activities include forums for visionary leadership, a global congress, and social innovation camps tackling ocean threats and promoting responsible tourism. Let's create a better world together! 🌊🌏 #SEA_EU #GlobalPartnerships #SustainableDevelopment
All those who are interested may email the SEA-EU UM Campus through Ms Maria Calleja with their CV and motivation letter -> maria.calleja@um.edu.mt
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Mario Ruivo Memorial Lecture Series
UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO), Portugal and EurOcean Foundation are inviting early career ocean professionals (ECOPs) to apply to the newly launched Mario Ruivo Memorial Lecture Series.
The Memorial Lecture Series pays tribute to the legacy of Professor Mário Ruivo, former Executive Secretary of the IOC-UNESCO, and Portugal’s greatest champion of ocean science and its contribution to sustainable development.
Professor Ruivo (1927-2017) was among those who supported the IOI from the early days of its founding by Professor Mann Borgese, to whom he provided friendly advice and support. This support continued through the years during his tenure as Member of the IOI Governing Board from 2005 - 2012.
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The Future Maritime Leaders Essay Competition
The Future Maritime Leaders essay competition represents an opportunity for aspiring high-level leaders of the future to meet and engage with senior maritime stakeholders. The winners of the competition will win an invitation to the Global Maritime Forum’s Annual Summit 2023 this October in Athens—all expenses covered.
Learn more and participate:
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IOI Alumni CPD:
Beyond Boundaries: how is the new 'high seas' treaty a game changer?
As our understanding of the Ocean and Ocean Governance continuously evolves, the IOI remains committed as part of its ongoing IOI Alumni outreach programme to provide learning opportunities where cutting-edge issues can be addressed, further enhancing the careers and professional development of its alumni.
Join us for an engaging webinar on the new treaty of the "high seas" on biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction. Expert speakers will draw attention to its key provisions and objectives and its significance in addressing gaps in existing international frameworks and promoting sustainable management of marine resources.
The webinar will also focus on future perspectives, highlighting the potential implications and challenges associated with the implementation of this new treaty, as well as opportunities for collaboration and innovation in scientific research, technology development, and sustainable practices.
By the end of the webinar, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the High Seas Treaty and its potential to reshape the conservation and management of biodiversity beyond national boundaries, hopefully setting the stage for a new era of Ocean Governance and sustainability.
Register here!
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Call for Abstracts: Fish Forum 2024
We are happy to reach out to you with information on the second edition of the Fish Forum, which will be held in Antalya, Türkiye from 19 to 23 February 2024, and to announce that their deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended. In order to ensure greater expertise on the variety of topics identified as a priority for the forum, and at the request of experts, the new deadline for abstract proposals is 15 September 2023.
Learn more here.
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The postgraduate egree is being offered online from October 2023. This multidisciplinary Master of Arts in Ocean Governance is offered by the Faculty of Laws at the University of Malta in collaboration with the International Ocean Institute. This 13-month MA is offered via distance learning (online); eligible candidates should have a first cycle degree and the necessary English qualifications.
For more info visit the IOI homepage: https://www.ioinst.org/training/m-a-in-ocean-governance/
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The High Seas Alliance Treaty Tracker
Follow the OUTCOMES of the Intergovernmental Conference on an international legally binding instrument under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ, Sept NY) using the The High Seas Alliance (HSA) Treaty Tracker to follow the BBNJ Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) negotiations. Users can: (1)Track what States, civil society and other groups are saying on key issues. (2) Track by issue or use it to find out what citizens and experts think. (3) Monitor expert opinion day by day. Antonella IOI HQ
IOI is a partner of the HSA - http://highseasalliance.org/treatytracker/who-is-the-high-seas-alliance/
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Handbook for community-based mangrove planting
To download the publication: http://dx.doi.org/10.22617/TIM189796-2
Following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the rehabilitation of mangrove forests has taken root as a nature-based solution for disaster resilience in many Asia-Pacific countries. This handbook provides a step-by-step guide for community-based mangrove planting initiatives, with a focus on project planning and funding, site preparation, planting, training, and monitoring. Although developed for Papua New Guinea, it is a useful tool for coastal communities throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
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Palau has created one of the world’s largest protected Ocean areas
"A huge marine protected area surrounding much of the Pacific Island nation of Palau went into effect Jan. 1, 2020, after years of planning by local officials and advocates. Within the sanctuary, which covers 80 percent of Palau’s national waters, all extractive activities such as fishing and mining are now prohibited."
Read more here.
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Join the free Massive Open Online Course “One Planet One Ocean: From Science to Solutions”!
Understanding our ocean will lead to a more sustainable future! Immerse yourself in holistic ocean learning encompassing natural sciences, economics, philosophy and law with scientists from GEOMAR, Kiel Marine Science and the International Ocean Institute, in the free Massive Open Online Course “One Planet One Ocean: From Science to Solutions” starting September 1st 2020. The course is on the SDG Academy platform for education towards SDG
Enroll at http://bit.ly/2MxkQap-oceans
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The Second World Ocean Assessment
Launching on 21 April, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres will give an introductory remark on how findings of WOA II can help achieve a better human-ocean relationship.
The Launch will also feature the Executive Secretary of UNESCO-IOC, Mr. Vladimir Ryabinin on the importance of WOA II for ocean science, also in the context of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
Lastly, Youth representative will talk about the importance of WOA II for youth and future generations and appeal for taking action.
Please, help us spread the messages of this launch far and wide, using the materials in our communication package and tagging your posts with #SecondWorldOceanAssessment.
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IOI BBNJ Representation
IOI in New York: Ms Liliana RODRIGUES CORTES is representing the IOI during the sessions of the Intergovernmental Conference on an international legally binding instrument under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). Updates coming soon through Alumni Channel. Looking forward to hearing from you too if you were there. Antonella IOI HQ
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WEBINAR: Was 2022 truly the Ocean Super Year we hoped for? Join the debate with ECOPs and Ocean experts
25 November 2022 - 14.00 CET
Register now: https://tinyurl.com/58rkvb34
Join a 90-min webinar hosted by the International Ocean Institute and the ECOP Programme, to learn more about and debate with ECOPs and Ocean experts on whether 2022 was truly the Ocean Super Year we hoped for.
Organised by:
IOI & The Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) Network Programme, established to empower ECOPs, who self-identify as being early in their career in any field related to the ocean. Learn more at https://www.ecopdecade.org/
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The IOInforma
The IOInforma is IOI’s electronic news and information bulletin. It is produced and disseminated periodically by IOI Headquarters via email with the aim of providing updated information and news of relevance on the operations of IOI. register through the IOI website if you want to receive this. IOI HQ
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EU4Ocean upcoming activities
We would like to update you with coming activities under the EU4Ocean coalition, especially for our alumni active in the Baltic and in the Mediterranean Sea!
The EU4Ocean Coalition specific audience - members of the EU4Ocean Platform, Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European Blue Schools - will play a key role in the organisation and programme of the event. In particular, the #Youth4Ocean Forum has launched a new call for projects and Young Ocean Advocates, designed to promote the ideas of young change-makers in the Baltic Sea Region. Please help us disseminate it throughout your network!
- The Mediterranean component of EU4Ocean is preparing the Ocean Literacy Festival in the Mediterranean Sea on 24 & 25 September 2021, at the occasion of the Med Coast Day. The overall aim of the Mediterranean Ocean Literacy Festival is to connect Mediterranean ocean literacy actors and showcase the wide diversity of ocean literacy initiatives already in place. It will combine on-site, digital and hybrid events organized in different Mediterranean locations (and then broadcasted online). I’ve attached the concept of the event.
You can submit your activity by 9 September 2021 on this page: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/maritimeforum/en/node/6344 In addition, The Youth4Ocean forum has launched another called focused on the Med: application open until the 27 August 2021 (https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/maritimeforum/en/node/6343) - Please help us disseminate it throughout your network!
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The Ocean Decade Laboratories
We would like to inform you about the current activities regarding the upcoming Ocean Decade Laboratories in 2021. The Ocean Decade Laboratories are a creative, interactive platform to support action for the Ocean Decade around the globe. They are a virtual catalyst of action for the Ocean Decade and can be accessed here:
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Special Seminar on Ocean Governance - A Legacy Interrupted
30th November, 09.30 - 11.30 CET
For virtual attendance via Zoom, register here.
This seminar aims to address global concerns regarding the current impasse in the sustainable management of the Ocean and how the future of Ocean governance depends on the effectiveness of holistic cooperative management, and most importantly, urgent and sustained action to address complex marine issues. Expert speakers shall bring attention to the latest developments in these areas while focusing on interlinkages of climate change, biodiversity, the wellbeing of the Ocean and the subsequent interdependent impacts on humankind. Significantly, many important developments surrounding these themes are being planned or are being implemented and the expert speakers shall address them through the prism of their expertise.
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Online Course - 4th Oct - 4th Nov 2021 - via ZOOM - Deadline: 15th September 2021
This online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course is offered jointly by IOI South Africa and IOI Canada as part of IOI’s commitment to enhancing the professional development of its alumni. Nine live sessions in a series of three modules will utilise presentations, discussions, readings, videos and interactive tools to explore new and emerging issues in UNCLOS & ABNJ; Climate Change & Health of the Ocean; and Small-scale Fisheries. Participants who complete all the sessions will be eligible for a certificate.
Register here.
Read more here.
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